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5 votes

Can you make 5 x 3 “magic” rectangles?

You can find all the possible combinations using the Python script: ...
MT0's user avatar
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1 vote

Can you make 5 x 3 “magic” rectangles?

Here's another: C1 C2 C3 12 10 2 7 11 6 8 13 3 9 1 14 4 5 15
user97954's user avatar
1 vote

Can you make 5 x 3 “magic” rectangles?

Another possibility.
Steak Overflow's user avatar
8 votes

Can you make 5 x 3 “magic” rectangles?

The other kind of solution, hinted at by @ilikecorgis:
AxiomaticSystem's user avatar
15 votes

Can you make 5 x 3 “magic” rectangles?

Here is a grid that does both: I used trial and error, but there was a key insight that made it fairly trivial:
ilikecorgis's user avatar
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