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18 votes

Cracking Nested One-time Pads

Let $+$ and $-$ denote the "standard" arithmetic operations modulo 26 on the English alphabet, done letterwise to strings. Here, encrypting text $T$ with a given one-time pad $P$ is simply ...
Deusovi's user avatar
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7 votes

Cracking Nested One-time Pads

Using a Vigenere table with alphabet "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", using messages $C_{AB}$ and $C_B$ we can deduce key $A$. Using the same table, since we have Key $A$ we can decode $C_A$ to get ...
LeppyR64's user avatar
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6 votes

6 balls and a scale

I believe you're almost right in your assessment. Instead of This is because each weighing For this reason
Amorydai's user avatar
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6 votes

Transfer of Information between two people

Each of you is kept in a cell with nothing but a button. When both buttons are pressed, the doors to both cells will open. Nothing will happen when only one button is pressed. Between the two cells is ...
LowIntHighCha's user avatar
5 votes

IBM Research Puzzle – 5-ops implementation of erasure code

Posting a partial answer after clue 2: Let's see then. (Doing binary operations in my head, so please forgive any errors.) A number of the form $2^M -1$ is a string of "1" bits in binary, ...
Bass's user avatar
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4 votes

Cracking Nested One-time Pads

The answer is Let $m_i$ be the leter of the message, $a_i$ the letter of Alice pad and $b_i$ the leter of Bob pad. The first message is $m_i + a_i$, the second is $m_i + a_i +b_i$ and the third is $...
Fabich's user avatar
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3 votes

Cracking Nested One-time Pads

So there's already a bunch of answers that talk about how to get the "secret message" along with the one time pads, but none of them seem to point out: The reason Alice decided to put the ...
Eph's user avatar
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3 votes

Judgment-free construction of a playlist

I've tried to anticipate some nitpicks at the process I present below. Nitpicks are in parentheses and set off from the main method. The core of the method can be found outside the parentheses. Set-up ...
bobble's user avatar
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3 votes

Judgment-free construction of a playlist

I have a proposed process, which has the downside of allowing for cheating, but works if both sides want to keep the information transfer within the outlined parameters: This works because: We can ...
StephenTG's user avatar
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2 votes

Ruins Game - Puzzle Edition

Partial answer - starting at the end: We reveal... Which we can then use to... So the aim of this is to:
Daniel Attfield's user avatar
2 votes

How to encode Pi so it's recognizable as Pi?

I have to go now, so I expect to extend my answer when I shall return, but a natural idea is To avoid the decimal point encoding problem we can
Alex Ravsky's user avatar
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1 vote

Two Sheriffs and Eavesdroppers - 3

This was WAY easier than I expected. Sheriff 1 can say something like "My list is one of {a,b}, {c,d}, and {e,f}." Sheriff 2 can say "My list is one of {a,b} or {d,e}." Case 1: ...
mathlander's user avatar
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Cracking Nested One-time Pads

Alice is using her pad $A$ twice, first to compute the value $C_A$, and then once more to compute $C_B$. The relationship between these values is known to Eve, who can exploit it to trivially recover ...
Luis Casillas's user avatar
1 vote

Cracking Nested One-time Pads

I used some Python code to convert the encrypted messages to numbers, then subtracted them. Answer ...
AndrewHK's user avatar

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