Inspired by the famous "how to send a locked box without pre-shared keys" puzzle, I have designed a Truly Clever and Very Secure cryptographic protocol for situations where you must send a secret message, but an eavesdropper can observe the communication. It's based on the observation that one-time pad operations are "transparent" with respect to each other, and you can remove two nested encryptions in whichever order. Without further ado, let me introduce to you:
The Padlock Protocol
Alice wants to send Bob a secret message. To do so, Alice creates a one-time pad $A$, and uses it to encrypt the plaintext message $P$, obtaining the first cipher message $C_A$. In the analogous box puzzle's terms, Alice puts the message in a box and locks it with her own padlock. Alice then transmits $C_A$ to Bob.
Bob then generates his own one-time pad $B$, and encrypts $C_A$ with it, producing the second cipher message $C_{AB}$. In the analogy, Bob adds his own lock to the box. Bob then sends the doubly encrypted message $C_{AB}$ to Alice.
Alice then decrypts $C_{AB}$ using pad $A$. Or, in the analogy, Alice removes her lock from the box. This results in the third message $C_{B}$, which Alice send to Bob.
Finally Bob uses pad $B$ to decrypt $C_{B}$, and recovers the original message $P$. Or in the box analogy, Bob removes his own lock, which was the only one remaining on the box.
The puzzle
One-time pad encryption is provably secure. Every transmission was protected by at least one such encryption. Both Alice and Bob kept their pads safely stored. Also, just in case you wondered, this method works, Bob really will receive the original message.
Yet it is a very bad idea to use the Padlock Protocol for conveying secret messages on an eavesdropped channel.
You are to take the role of Eve, the eavesdropper. You have observed all the transmissions, and you know all the encrypted messages. They are, in order:
Alice to Bob ($C_A$):
Using no other information, you are to deduce what was the secret message that Alice wanted to send to Bob.
For unambiguity's sake, Alice and Bob used this exact variant of the one-time pad cipher with an unmodified alphabet. The puzzle would work with any one-time pad implementation, but figuring out which one they used would be just a lot of non-interesting busywork.