It is...
...not possible. Via mixed integer linear programming, I have concluded that the minimum number of 2x2 squares is 2, as in the example.
If you relax the problem to consider only parity of the digits (4 even and 5 odd per row, column, or 3x3 box),...
...the minimum number of 2x2 squares is still 2.
If you omit the 3x3 box constraints, it is...
By request, here are the details about how I enforced connectivity of the subgraph induced by the even nodes. I often use dynamically generated "node separator" constraints, but for this problem a compact, flow-based formulation performed much better. Construct an undirected graph with node set $N$ and edge set $E$. Here, $|N|=81$ and $|E|=144$. Now let arc set $A=E \cup \{(j,i):(i,j)\in E\}$, so $|A|=288$. The idea is to select one even node as the root and send one unit of flow from the root to each of the other even nodes. For $i\in N$, let binary decision variable $e_i$ indicate whether node $i$ is an even node, and let binary decision variable $r_i$ indicate whether node $i$ is the root node. For $(i,j)\in A$, define nonnegative flow variable $f_{ij}$. The constraints are:
\sum_{i \in N} r_i &= 1 \\
r_i &\le e_i &&\text{for $i \in N$} \\
\sum_{(i,j) \in A} f_{ij} - \sum_{(j,i) \in A} f_{ji}
&= 4\cdot9\cdot r_i - e_i &&\text{for $i \in N$} \\
f_{ij} &\le (4\cdot 9-1) e_k && \text{for $(i,j) \in A$ and $k \in \{i,j\}$} \\
e_i &\in \{0,1\} &&\text{for $i\in N$} \\
r_i &\in \{0,1\} &&\text{for $i\in N$} \\
f_{ij} &\ge 0 &&\text{for $(i,j)\in A$} \\
By symmetry, you can optionally limit the choice of root nodes to the first five nodes in the top row.