Let's start with some definitions:
- $w$ is your speed.
- $d$ the unit vector representing the direction of your movement, where $d = w(x, y)$, being $x$ and $y$ the components of the movement direction.
- $G$ is the point where you meet the bus. $G = (g, 0)$. $g$ is the first component of $G$.
- You are at $P_0 = (s, k)$.
- $n = \sqrt{(s - g)^2 + k^2} = \sqrt{s^2 - 2gs + g^2 + k^2}$, this is the distance that you should walk and it depends on $g$.
- $m = \sqrt{s^2 + k^2}$, this is your initial distance to the bus.
- $t$ is the time that it takes for you and the bus meet.
- $C$ is $(s, 0)$. I.e. the point in the road where you would go if you were to go straight to it in the nearest point (but this might miss the bus).
- $H$ is the angle that is exactly at you in the bus-you-$G$ triangle.
- $B$ is the angle that is exactly at the bus in the bus-you-$G$ triangle.
First, we have something very important to note:
We want to minimize your speed, not distance! It doesn't matter if you walk for zillions of light years taking an insane amount of time expressed in scientific notation or in Knuth's arrows notation before catching the bus looooong after the Big Crunch or whatever is the fate of the Universe just because the difference between your speed and the bus' speed is some infinitesimal $\epsilon$ measured in the Planck scale.
Let's solve the easiest trivial degenerate cases:
If $s = 0$ and $k = 0$, just enter the bus. Thus $w = 0$, $d$ is indefinite, but doesn't matter and $n = 0$.
Another very easy degenerate case:
If $s > 0$ and $k = 0$, just wait for the bus and do not move at all and. Then $w = 0$, $d$ is indefinite once again and $n = 0$.
The last degenerate case:
If $s \leq 0$, you are either somewhere behind the bus or at most, at its side. Move at $w = v + \epsilon$ speed to reach it eventually in the eternity after walking just for forever. Also, $d = (1, \epsilon k)$ and $n \to +\infty$.
Now, the interesting cases are those that:
$s > 0$, $k \neq 0$ and $w < v$.
We observe that:
$(0, 0)$, $G$ and $P_0$. I.e., your position, the bus position and the meeting point forms a triangle with sizes $g$, $m$ and $n$.
So what?
Let's suppose that the vertex at $G$ is obtuse.
What happens?
Then we are going towards the bus in an angle just at the minimum speed needed to not miss it. However, if instead we walk at the same velocity straight to the road, we would arrive there earlier and still ahead of the bus, which means that we could go slower instead, contradicting the idea that it was the minimum speed. Hence, $G$ can't be an obtuse angle.
Note that since we already ruled out a lot of cases:
$y \neq 0$ (otherwise, it is a degenerate case).
$k \neq 0$ (otherwise, it is a degenerate case).
$\text{sgn}(y) = -\text{sgn}(k)$ (otherwise, instead of going to get the bus, you would be going away to it).
$x^2 + y^2 = 1$ (because $d$ is a unit vector and $d = (x, y)$).
$w > 0$ (negative speed makes no sense, zero speed is degenerate).
$t > 0$ (negative time makes no sense, zero time is degenerate).
$v > 0$ (the bus isn't stopped and is moving forward).
$g > 0$ (we can't meet the bus behind its starting point, zero is degenerate).
$x \geq 0$ (because the angle at $(g, 0)$ can't be obtuse).
Let's do a few math:
$$g = tv$$
$$t = \frac{g}{v}$$
$$n = tw$$
$$w = \frac{n}{t}$$
$$w = \frac{n}{\frac{g}{v}}$$
$$w = \frac{vn}{g}$$
$$wg = vn$$
$$B = \text{atan2}(k, s) = \text{arctan}\left(\frac{s}{k}\right)$$
$$\text{tan}(B) = \frac{s}{k}$$
What if we choose an angle?
We might choose in which angle we want to meet the bus or to which direction we want to walk and adjust or velocity accordingly. $B$ is fixed and the sum of the angles must be $180°$, so we have to choose either $H$ or $G$ and the other is defined accordingly.
How can we choose an angle at $H$?
If it is right, then $m^2 + n^2 = g^2$.
If it is acute, then $m^2 + n^2 > g^2$.
If it is obtuse, then $m^2 + n^2 < g^2$.
So, let's just try the three cases and see what we get.
Also, consider that $\phi$ is some number that represents some artificial unknown algebraic area surplus, so we can turn inequations into equations.
With $\phi$, we can turn all those three cases into $m^2 + n^2 = g^2 + \phi$.
If $H$ is acute, then $\phi < 0$.
If $H$ is right, then $\phi = 0$.
If $H$ is obtuse, then $\phi > 0$.
$$m^2 + n^2 = g^2 + \phi$$
$$\sqrt{s^2 + k^2}^2 + \sqrt{s^2 - 2gs + g^2 + k^2}^2 = g^2 + \phi$$
$$s^2 + k^2 + s^2 - 2gs + g^2 + k^2 = g^2 + \phi$$
$$2s^2 + 2k^2 - 2gs = \phi$$
$$s^2 + k^2 - gs = \phi$$
$$s^2 + k^2 = gs + \phi$$
$$gs = s^2 + k^2 - \phi$$
$$g = \frac{s^2 + k^2 - \phi}{s}$$
$$n = \sqrt{s^2 - 2gs + g^2 + k^2}$$
$$n = \sqrt{s^2 - 2s^2 - 2k^2 - 2 \phi + g^2 + k^2}$$
$$n = \sqrt{g^2 - s^2 - k^2 - 2 \phi}$$
$$w = \frac{vn}{g}$$
$$w = \frac{v\sqrt{g^2 - s^2 - k^2 - 2 \phi}}{g}$$
$$w = \frac{v\sqrt{\left(\frac{s^2 + k^2 - \phi}{s}\right)^2 - s^2 - k^2 - 2 \phi}}{\frac{s^2 + k^2 - \phi}{s}}$$
$$w = \frac{sv\sqrt{\left(\frac{s^2 + k^2 - \phi}{s}\right)^2 - s^2 - k^2 - 2 \phi}}{s^2 + k^2 - \phi}$$
The resulting expression is complicated, but it only depends on the given values $s$, $k$ and $v$ and in our arbitrary variable $\phi$. Let's try to make it simpler:
$$w = \frac{sv\sqrt{\left(\frac{m^2 - \phi}{s}\right)^2 - m^2 - 2 \phi}}{m^2 - \phi}$$
$$\frac{w}{sv} = \frac{\sqrt{\left(\frac{m^2 - \phi}{s}\right)^2 - m^2 - 2 \phi}}{m^2 - \phi}$$
$$\frac{w(m^2 - \phi)}{sv} = \sqrt{\left(\frac{m^2 - \phi}{s}\right)^2 - m^2 - 2 \phi}$$
$$\left(\frac{w(m^2 - \phi)}{sv}\right)^2 = \left(\frac{m^2 - \phi}{s}\right)^2 - m^2 - 2 \phi$$
$$\frac{w^2 (m^2 - \phi)^2}{s^2 v^2} = \left(\frac{m^2 - \phi}{s}\right)^2 - m^2 - 2 \phi$$
$$\frac{w^2 (m^2 - \phi)^2}{s^2 v^2} = \frac{m^4 - 2 m^2 \phi + \phi^2}{s^2} - m^2 - 2 \phi$$
$$\frac{w^2 (m^2 - \phi)^2}{s^2 v^2} = \frac{m^4 - 2 m^2 \phi + \phi^2 - m^2 s^2 - 2 \phi s^2}{s^2}$$
$$\frac{w^2 (m^2 - \phi)^2}{v^2} = m^4 - 2 m^2 \phi + \phi^2 - m^2 s^2 - 2 \phi s^2$$
$$\frac{w^2 (m^4 - 2 m^2 \phi + \phi^2)}{v^2} = m^4 - 2 m^2 \phi + \phi^2 - m^2 s^2 - 2 \phi s^2$$
$$\frac{w^2}{v^2} = \frac{m^4 - 2 m^2 \phi + \phi^2 - m^2 s^2 - 2 \phi s^2}{m^4 - 2 m^2 \phi + \phi^2}$$
$$\frac{w}{v} = \frac{\left(m^2 - \phi\right)^2 - m^2 s^2 - 2 \phi s^2}{\left(m^2 - \phi\right)^2}$$
$$\frac{w}{v} = 1 + \frac{- m^2 s^2 - 2 \phi s^2}{\left(m^2 - \phi\right)^2}$$
$$\frac{w}{v} = 1 - \frac{m^2 s^2 + 2 \phi s^2}{\left(m^2 - \phi\right)^2}$$
I know that $\phi = 0$ and $H = 90°$. But found no way to show that formally. I may come back later to finish this.
Then, all of that would get way simpler:
$$\frac{w}{v} = 1 - \frac{m^2 s^2}{m^4}$$
$$\frac{w}{v} = 1 - \frac{s^2}{m^2}$$
$$\frac{w}{v} = 1 - \frac{s^2}{s^2 + k^2}$$
$$w = v \left(1 - \frac{s^2}{s^2 + k^2}\right)$$
$$w = v - \frac{vs^2}{s^2 + k^2}$$
$$G = 90° - B$$
Then, the direction:
$$d . (s, k) = 0$$
$$(x, y) . (s, k) = 0$$
$$sx + yk = 0$$
$$sx = -yk$$
$$x = \frac{-yk}{s}$$
$$\frac{x}{y} = -\frac{k}{s}$$
$$d = \frac{(-k, s)}{\sqrt{k^2 + s^2}}$$
Or, in layman terms:
Look to where the bus is, turn $90°$ to the side looking to somewhere in the road ahead the bus and go there. That is your direction.
$g$ is the hypotenuse of a right triangle between $H$, $B$ and $G$.
Or in other words:
$$g = m \text{ sec}(B)$$
$$g = \sqrt{s^2 + k^2} \text{ sec}(B)$$
$$g = \sqrt{s^2 + k^2} \text{ sec}\left(\text{arctan}\left(\frac{s}{k}\right)\right)$$
I am too tired, might come back later to finish this. But it is 95% done, I guess.