Our story takes place in the future. Earth has been invaded by an evil alien species, known by the humans as simply, "The Bots". They are essentially robots, but sophisticated and evil. Humans have also evolved, being bigger, stronger, and faster.
The Bot Viri's radar picked up the human Mr. Johnson at the same time that Johnson, who had been hunting in the forest (food has been scarce since the invasion), became aware of loud electrical noises emitting from the direction of the Bots mountain headquarters.
Johnson realized the bot was active and might try to catch him. Knowing that Bots are "afraid of water" because it will short-circuit them, he began to run toward the seashore.
Bot Viri locked-on to Johnson's position but hesitated for 6 seconds before he began to run after Johnson.
Bot Viri was 5 miles directly north of Johnson when Johnson began to run toward the sea 2 miles directly to his south.
Johnson, who could run much faster than humans of the past, ran at a rate of 20 miles per hour over the 2-mile distance. Viri's speed, though, was not constant. He ran the first mile at a rate of 20 mph, the second mile at a rate of 40 mph, the third at a rate of 80 mph, the fourth at a rate of 160 mph, and so forth—doubling his speed after running each mile.
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