This is a Yajisan-Kazusan puzzle.
Rules of Yajisan-Kazusan:
Several numbered arrows are given in the grid. Shade some cells so that:
- no two shaded cells are adjacent
- unshaded cells form a single, orthogonally connected group
- all unshaded clues count the number of shaded cells in the direction their arrows point. (Shaded clues may be true or false; they provide no information.)
Example (from GMPuzzles):
...However, this puzzle has diagonal arrows. And not only that, diagonal arrows positioned within the cells. Arrows that point to a vertex will only point to a single diagonal line of cells; arrows that point to an edge will alternate back and forth between two diagonal lines of cells.
For instance, the [0↗] clue in row 3 points to only two cells: the fourth cell in row 2, and the fifth cell in row 1. But the [1↘] clue in row 2 points to five cells: the third and second from the right of row 3, the last two of row 4, and the [4↙] clue in row 5.