The following grids can be solved using either Cave or Tapa rules. First, determine what kind of puzzle each grid represents. (They can both be of the same kind, or there could be one of each kind.) Then, solve each grid using the rules assigned to each grid.
Additionally, in each grid, there is a cell labeled ?, which represent a positive integer. The integer in Grid 1 is strictly greater than the integer in Grid 2, and they should be chosen so that there is a unique solution to both grids.
Rules of Cave1
- Shade some cells in the grid. Cells containing numbers cannot be shaded.
- Groups of shaded cells must be connected to an edge of the grid i.e. there are no groups of shaded cells completely in the interior.
- All unshaded cells must be orthogonally connected to one another.
- Each numbered cell indicates the number of unshaded cells that are connected orthogonally to the cell, including the cell itself.
Rules of Tapa2
- Shade some cells in the grid. Cells containing numbers cannot be shaded.
- All shaded cells must be orthogonally connected to one another without forming a 2x2 square anywhere.
- Each numbered cell indicates the length of consecutive shaded cells in the cells surrounding it.
- If there is more than one number in a cell, then there must be at least one unshaded cell separating the groups of shaded cells.
1 Paraphrased from the rules of Grandmaster Puzzles
2 Paraphrased from the rules of Grandmaster Puzzles