Bass has shown that there are "obviously" multiple solutions. It appears that there are in fact exactly 24.
from pysmt.shortcuts import Symbol, LE, GE, And, Int, Equals, NotEquals, Plus, Minus, Times
from pysmt.typing import INT
grid = [[Symbol(f"g{row}{col}", INT) for col in range(6)] for row in range(6)]
inrange = And(And(GE(grid[row][col],Int(1)), LE(grid[row][col],Int(6))) for row in range(6) for col in range(6))
latinrows = And(NotEquals(grid[row][col1],grid[row][col2]) for row in range(6) for col1 in range(5) for col2 in range(col1+1,6))
latincols = And(NotEquals(grid[row1][col],grid[row2][col]) for col in range(6) for row1 in range(5) for row2 in range(row1+1,6))
boxes = And(Equals(Plus(grid[0][0],grid[0][1],grid[0][2],grid[1][0],grid[1][1],grid[1][2]),Int(20)),
constraints = And(inrange, latinrows, latincols, boxes)
model = get_model(constraints)
n_sols = 0
con = constraints
while True:
model = get_model(con)
if not model: break
n_sols += 1
con = And(con, Or(NotEquals(grid[i][j],model[grid[i][j]]) for i in range(6) for j in range(6)))
if n_sols%20==0: print(f"{n_sols} so far")
print(f"{n_sols} in total")
20 so far
24 in total
Note: the above is the result of copying-and-pasting what I actually entered, complete with mistakes, deleting the mistakes, and tidying a few things up. It is possible that I screwed up this process and the above will fail in some way :-).
Here are the solutions:
142563 246531 246531 246531 245361 125436
265341 125346 125346 125346 162453 246351
526134 532164 532164 532164 526134 532164
431256 461253 461253 461253 431526 461523
613425 653412 613425 314625 613245 354612
354612 314625 354612 653412 354612 613245
245361 245361 125463 245361 245361 142563
126543 126543 246351 162543 126543 265341
562134 562134 562134 526134 562134 526134
431256 431256 431526 431256 431256 431256
653412 354612 354612 613425 314625 653412
314625 613425 613245 354612 653412 314625
125436 142563 246531 142563 245361 245361
246351 265341 125346 265341 126453 162543
532164 526134 532164 526134 562134 526134
461523 431256 461253 431256 431526 431256
613245 354612 354612 314625 354612 314625
354612 613425 613425 653412 613245 653412
245361 125463 245361 245361 245361 245361
162453 246351 126453 126543 162543 162543
526134 562134 562134 562134 526134 526134
431526 431526 431526 431256 431256 431256
354612 613245 613245 613425 354612 653412
613245 354612 354612 354612 613425 314625