When I was walking today, I came across a man standing on a soapbox. He was broadcasting his view to the world, and though he was speaking in English, I couldn't understand what he was going on about. It sounded like he was reading out a random list of words Most people weren't paying him a shred of attention, but I've done my best to transcribe what he said - maybe you can make more sense out of it than me. He broke off every now and again to get his breath (it was a pretty rapid speech) so I've inserted a newline each time. At the end he was puffing and panting and stopped because he kept spluttering so some of the words might be less reliable
How do you think he felt?
The Anamib (?) cooperative few are different, bug hyperactive...
Nervous 2015 desert brewed organisms found populations, bomb antifreeze...
System study beetle care outside, in have Y-protein...
In provided has is, high-men-opera (said as one word, ?) almost between our beetles
Beetles for inspired also exhibit, every them next...
Contains independent A, found this habitat developed terrorist...
All estimates self-filling in behavior, except resistance attack...
The of water the the the too could...
Types total bottle best only C major on...
Found number which beetles beetle and class' sick...
In of utilises the, two the of legs...
Insects beetle hydrophilic larvae so polar insecticide...
Varying species and feed is regions...
Between giving hydrophobic on the...
Different A-materials the weevil...
Species mean two semi-digested Aust-row-platypus (?)...
From estimate benefit fee-sees in-comp-a-tus (?)...
Free of living of...
Thaw-a-sick (?) some in the...
And 1.5 dry adults...
7 million regions...
Or with with...
8 a no...
Abominable surprisingly regular...
G-angular (?) narrow rainfall...
Which range...
Can spanning...
Be all...
Distinguish for...
To estimates...
That from...
In a...
Which minimum...
The of...
Thaw-a-sick (again) 0.9...
And 2...
Abominable a...
G-angular (again) maximum...
Are of...
Few's 2.1...
2 million...
Form bee tool...
A species...
(Hereon is not part of the puzzle, just some random notes)
By this puzzle's nature, part of it may not always be accurate.
You might need to do some research.
This story is based on a fictional event and taken from there...
Part of an upcoming metapuzzle.