This is Part II of a series. Part I can be found here: The Alchemist's Grimoire
Again told from the perspective of my fantasy self.
The story is not needed to solve the puzzle, but may contain some small clues.
The story continues from Part I, but the puzzles are unrelated.
...that's certainly an interesting thing for her to want.
In the meantime, though, we've gotten to know each other a bit better, and today's the day she decided to let me try some alchemy for myself. I was up late listening her talk about how alchemy can also be used to cook and bake, and how tea and charcoal can be made into chocolate, and then she suggested that I give it a go.
She woke me early in the morning, and brought me to the tables downstairs. There, I found her grimoire and tiny cauldron seated next to some small bottles filled with various objects and fluids.
The jar with the "✧" had chunks of stone inside it.
The bottle with the "△" symbol had strips of some warty seaweed-esque stuff.
The one labeled with the "☉" looked like it was storing wine.
The container with the "☆" on it seemed to emanate faint voices from inside.
And the last one, labeled "❤", had something viscous inside of it.
"You are going to make breakfast for everyone." she said, flipping to a page in the middle. "This page should tell you everything you need to know. However, if you can tell me what that last recipe makes before, well, making it... I'll give you something. I'll have to think on what though."
Before starting, she gave me some final tips.
"Be sure to remove the floaters, these thing tend to create a lot of excess gunk. Also, just don't blow up the place... I say that from personal experience. Also, these all need some water to start, but don't worry about it recipe-wise. You can use my canteen."
When she set her tome back upon the table, I was relieved that I could read the page! Huzzah for Common! Well, I could read most of it. The components were all labeled with different symbols. After contemplating it for a while, I gave Astrid my guess as to what the last recipe created, and did my best to follow the instructions.
What would I end up making for breakfast? Kudos if you correctly identify the contents of all the bottles!
Hint 1
MINERALWATER says to add WATER at the end...
How curious.