Chronos, titan of time, and Kronos, titan of agriclture
Added by OP: Cronus
Some see me as the reaper,
But am I not somehow?
Some people mix up Chronos with Kronos, the titan of agriculture.
Added by OP: the identification of Cronus and Chronos gave rise to "Father Time" wielding the harvesting scythe
I was a patron,
Through time they celebrated me.
A fesival for Chronos/Kronos?
Added by OP: Cronus continued to preside as a patron of harvest
They were going to cut me open,
To free what was inside of me.
Zeus cut Kronos up with his own scythe and released his siblings, who had been swallowed
Eventually I was confined,
In a place of torment, I rest.
So he went to Tartarus
Don't be confused,
As many confuse me with someone else.
Don't confuse Kronos/Chronos