For the following pattern of filling the $5*5$ matrix, how many steps does it take to turn all cells of the matrix to black?
Pattern has revealed by eBusiness:
The first piece moves to the right, the second moves down, the third moves left, the fourth moves up, and so the fifth probably moves right. The letters and numbers are the sum of X and Y coordinates respectively, with the upper left corner being coordinate $(1,1)$ or $(A,1)$. Each image introduce its new element at the position given by the coordinate sum of the previous image. Both movement and new positions wrap around, so when a piece would move over the border it appears next to the opposite border, similarly a piece that appear at for instance $(H,11)=(8,11)$, will wrap around to $(8mod5,11mod5)=(3,1)=(C,1)$.
I guess after some steps next pointed cell that need to be colored, may not be white.
PS. Question is much like one of my previously made questions: Find the pattern of matrices.