Which five-digit number has the $n$th digit representing how many occurrences of the digit $(n-1)$ there are in the number, for all $n\le5$?
For example, the fourth digit represents the number of 3s, and the first digit represents the number of 0s.
Which five-digit number has the $n$th digit representing how many occurrences of the digit $(n-1)$ there are in the number, for all $n\le5$?
For example, the fourth digit represents the number of 3s, and the first digit represents the number of 0s.
The solution is
This can be found by simply iterating from a starting point. Let's choose 40000 as a start (it's as good as any).
40000 — start with four zeroes (and count them)
40001 — count four zeroes, one four
31001 — count three zeroes, one one, one four
22010 — count two zeroes, two ones, one three
21200 — count two zeroes, one one, two twos
21200 — count two zeroes, one one, two twos
The next row counts the numbers it sees in the previous row. Once we hit two identical numbers back-to-back, we have settled on a solution.
You'll see that 43210, 11111, 22222, 33333, and 44444 are not issues if you make one simple admission.
400001 — allow counting the 5, but don't permanently extend the length
cjm shows in his answer that there is only one correct solution by using a Perl program to brute force the puzzle.
This can also be demonstrated logically:
First digit:
Second digit:
Third digit:
Fourth and fifth digits:
Therefore the number is 21200.
One answer is:
There is :
2 zeroes, 1 one, 2 twos, 0 three, 0 four
The other answers give a correct solution, but they don't indicate whether it is the only solution.
In fact, 21200 is the only solution.
This is shown by this brute-force Perl solution:
for (10000 .. 44444) {
say $_ if substr($_, 0, 1) == tr/0//
and substr($_, 1, 1) == tr/1//
and substr($_, 2, 1) == tr/2//
and substr($_, 3, 1) == tr/3//
and substr($_, 4, 1) == tr/4//;
There are no solutions for 1,2 and 3 digits.
There are two solutions for 4 digits:
1210 and 2020
There is one for 5 digits:
One for 7 digits:
Is there any other possible solution?
And the general math solution (or attempt to build one):
Since the first digit counts the number of 0s and the 2nd digit the number of 1s etc and since the total number digits is 5 the sum of all the digits must be 5. As a counter example if you take a number like 11112 this would imply there are a total of 6 digits which isn't possible. So we need five digits adding up to 5. Possible combinations are:- 11111, 01112, 00122, 00113, 00023 and 00014. If we encode these 6 possibilities according to the rule we get:- 11111 -> 05000 (no zeros, 5 ones, no 2s, 3s or 4s); 01112 -> 13100; 00122 -> 21200; 00113 -> 22100; 00023 -> 30110; 00014 -> 31001; Only one of these is a rearrangement namely 00122 which goes to 21200 which would map onto itself under the rule and so is the solution.