The answer is
With the second row denoting the order of red/blue numbers.
Using clue #3 we can conclude that
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -
#4 -
#5 -
#6 1,3,5,7
#7 1,3,5,7
#8 1,3,5,7
Clues #5 and #6 tell us that digit 3 and 4 are twice the size of numbers in 6, 7, 8; this means that they are either 2 or 6 (1*2 and 3*2; 5*2 and 7*2 are obviously too large). Combine this with clue #9 saying that digit 4 is greater than digit 3, tells us which is 2 and which is 6. We use clue #6 as well; digit 4 is twice the size of digit 6.
#1 -
#2 -
#3 2
#4 6
#5 -
#6 3
#7 1,5,7
#8 1,5,7
We can note that since we have digit 3, we know that the number half that size has to be one of digits 7 or 8.
Now we'll do some preparation to solve digit 5. Clues 7 and 8 tell us that blue digits point to red digits and vice versa. This means that half the numbers must be blue. If there is an odd number, we are left with an impossible loop; let's say three numbers point to eachother in a loop and we have the alternate colors rule. Digit 1 is blue and points to digit 2. Digit 2 is therefore red. Digit 2 points to digit 3. Digit 3 is therefore blue. Digit 3 points to digit 1. Digit 1 is therefore red. Digit 1 is now defined as both red and blue, which is not an option. Because of this, we can conclude that the number of blue numbers if 4. Rule 4 tells us that this number must be on of digits 4 or 5. We have already solved 4, thus the number 4 is digit 5.
#1 -
#2 -
#3 2
#4 6
#5 4
#6 3
#7 1,5,7
#8 1,5,7
Now, let's look at digits 1 and 2. If we exclude the solved numbers as well as the number one (since one has to be either digit 7 or 8 as our reasoning a couple of paragraphs above show), the possibles we are left with are 5,7,8. Rule 2 states that these numbers cannot be consecutive, having them as the pair 7 and 8 isn't possible. Therefore at least one of them must be the remaining option, 5. We can now exclude 5 as a possible for digits 7 and 8 which means that our previous 1,5,7 options are now reduced to 1,7. That means one of them has to be 7, excluding 7 as an option for digits 1 and 2. This leavus with:
#1 5,8
#2 5,8
#3 2
#4 6
#5 4
#6 3
#7 1,7
#8 1,7
Digit 7 has the options 1,7. If digit 7 has the number 7, it points to itself; since colors have to alternate, this is not a valid option, solving digit 7 and therefore also digit 8.
#1 5,8
#2 5,8
#3 2
#4 6
#5 4
#6 3
#7 1
#8 7
I'll use the format dx->dy to illustrate a chain of digits. This means "digit x has the number that points to digit y". Refer back to the previous table to evaluate and compare.
Digit 1 contains either 5 or 8; if it contains 8, the chain will loop:
This chain is 3 digits long, and will therefore break the alternating colors rule! 8 can therefore be excluded as an option for digit 1. All the numbers are now solved.
#1 5
#2 8
#3 2
#4 6
#5 4
#6 3
#7 1
#8 7
To find the colors of the letters, simply use rule #10 and follow the chain.
8R, 7B, 1R, 5B, 4R, 6B, 3R, 2B
As always I leave a left solution in order to make the reasoning in each step elaborate for the sake of understanding. Hope that is of some value.