The game is pretty simple, whoever reaches 50 first wins, but there are a few important details:
- 2 players, one die. Players take turns.
- Rolled values are simply added up
- If you roll a 6, however, the turn ends and the current turn's sum is discarded
- If you decide to stop your turn, the current turn's sum is added to the total
- When a player reaches 50 or more, he has won, unless he was the starting player, in which case the other player can still try to top the result. He has to get to at least one point more, there is no draw. (This adds most complications. The starting player could e.g. try to get to ~60 instead of stopping at 50 - to make a win more likely when the other player stands at 48)
What is the optimal strategy? It obviously depends on the current turn sum. But it also depends on both player's totals.