The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend.
Legend and names fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.
In one Age, called the 2nd Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose.
The wind was not the beginning.
There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.
South and eastward the wind blew,
warm, dry and strong.
Dehydrated, tired and weary
Egwene pushed herself to her limits, Rand was sure of it.
Tangled up in underbrush and vines, but she would come.
North and westward the wind blew,
South lay a land known by the travelling people.
Rand was waiting, counting minutes and hours.
Was that Perrin?
Rand felt a ripple and turned, the wind had turned. Now from the East, from Kary Qari.
His mother. Had she been there all the time?
Up, over the mountains to the north, in the city where the wind blew from?
"Kary", he shouted, but to no avail
At last, he understood. No one would come.
Born again, but all alone!
A good tracker can track yesterday's wind. Can you?
Hint 1:
If this puzzle sends you to Monaco then I think you might need a new courier.
Hint 2:
Tracking the wind shouldn't be too hard when you know where it's going.
Hint 3:
Maybe it would have been easier if I had spelled his mother's name differently. I suggest you use Kari or Qari instead. Let's pretend it was just a typo in the poem.
Hint 4:
You start in a city whose name is derived from [insert language here] "place of the winds" and end in a city whose name might be derived from [insert language here] "a place where wind is pounding".
Hint 5:
It should be possible to draw a simple polygonal chain / path on a map.
Hint 6:
You can disregard the first paragraph. And a lot of the other stuff is simply scenery.
Hint 7:
A big tips this time: Gareth McCaughan's guess that Kary/Kari/Qari is supposed to be read from the east is correct.
Final hint:
Relevance of hints:
Hint 1: refers to two "things" that have one thing in common. What is it, and how can it help?
Hint 2: The direction of the wind is relevant (essential) in all paragraphs
Hint 3: Assume it says Qari. (It's written differently because "names fade"
Hint 4: The starting city could not have been derived from the original puzzle, only the area. The end city could be derived from the puzzle.
Hint 5: Using Hint 2, you can draw lines on a map. (Directions are only approximate. South-east can for instance be very close to east (like 95 degrees))
Hint 6: The only (partly) relevant part of the first paragraph is "names fade". But you could solve this puzzle without this knowledge, so you can disregard that paragraph. It's to set the scene, so to say.
Hint 7: If you read Kari from east to west. What do you think will help in other paragraphs?
No in-universe knowledge is needed for this puzzle.