Is this the
Southwest Chief railroad line?
I am an absolute thing to like
A railroad line
For I got my name from sea to shining sea
It made a name for itself transporting celebrities in the past
But I cannot reach the peace
It could not reach the Pacific in the past
Without help from the South
Without using another train (the Southern Pacific Transportation Company)?
And I pull loads of stuff every day
Passengers and cargo
That was but I used to
This was the old train
Now I can reach the peace
The Pacific Ocean
But I still can't reach Atlantis
It can’t reach the Atlantic Ocean
Need the pen or the yoke.
Without needing another form of transportation
Through the city of winds, now...
The start of the line is Chicago, the Windy City
The train of the stars ran once on me
The Super Chief train was once called the train of the stars as it travelled Chicago to LA.
From sea to shining sea.
From Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean?
From the hubby windy to the western gate
From Chicago to Los Angeles
And not through Santa Fe, see.
The old Super Chief line ran through Santa Fe but the new Southwest Chief does not.