Note that all 'information' is fictual
The postman arrived with a bundle of letters. I went out to get them. Look through the bundle, I suddenly noticed some curious - the last letter was a poem, from a friend, titled Caesar's Perich. So I did some research and apparently Caesar's Perich is a legendary device known to turn stuff into gold! So I read the instructions in the poem and set out in search of this device.
It seems pretty cryptic.
- Firstly I went forward to the plateau
- I found some beams of wood and grabbed them, then went north until the ground was dry
- Then I dug down until I hit something! Curious...
It was a large-ish object with two holes. I looked at the poem. What was that last line?
Good job! To get the gold inse...
That's annoying. The bottom of the page has crumbled off. I thought to myself, "let's try throwing some random items inside". So I looked around and found some leaves and twig lying around:
When I threw a TWIG inside, a gust of WIND came out the other side!
I threw a LEAF in, and a LOCK came out.
Experimenting, I threw another LEAF in. This time some FIGS came out.
Now I'm confused. Can you help me work out what to throw into the device to get gold?
It's not cryptic clues in the poem, but rather something else that can be Caesar Ciphered... (actually two things)