A friend sent me this poem recently and wanted me to take a guess about what it says and where it came from. The first word tricked me at first until after it became clear there was a misspelling error. Some of the words look familiar and seem to come from other languages, but most have no clear way of being pronounced. Can someone help me find out what the poem says and its author?
Sudurb aw tharns mu cta tazl xoekecb puk’jekf,
Hguqen em wodozocy hxatbakg puwer;
Feexanoec cebxa oq nkovp ojn czuje hcij’tung,
Vawjisbq rtoh xxasjux osx jaohr-qiptxp sjaj qdum.
Stack nofprrois xreglop ipzurg aeqy sucuzn,
Cowrisx oz pohhu hy rofagahn zsabrm nxoc;
Pocofebm kiahn dziha dukv lhoeg laxujepj
Dvmaezd ek dope mioqak, tfar bafr ef cni tow.
Goweaw ibs qvfectuiv, bozieli adq bofayemc,
Qcruusocx ikr sinticn owv xjsuwqqoqc axsise,
Resjbaq unukiw re nbfopmuf-lizb lveyanf,
Xeqnpuf op ekeor bvov gnemgi kco hpaot.
Fojiipc ur govc jwiv xma afjayp lidruwjuf,
Cefqenc iqc huoh ed sqe qhine ep flo keav,
Svfeazenc dca gemipu lavw jeakmuczr ehnilpid,
Yavsekr lku zugtaq oq Zdequ’d ged talo.
Veqw vah’rh okm xynotakg esy’r uzz rzihqnizm,
Xoff ndul cvaul sib ef dcu qeac-xuklar’l fwteegz;
Bluam vvawet sqonhow a’el sarutw fhiwi tacsrosf
Haunr zavh re fiupa iw zpa kgixj pije gerzeogq.
Dofzhiaw wlec hsokqky ariiwrg kji neax pipdoh,
Nohibjs mrolu xeaznm uwe gy podbib efdin’d,
Ipq zodilx go afctiv vhi nohb oqm vfi pobev,
Afby pni laoh rizw kpec corm uc bza lanli!
My friend gave me a binary file and said that it can help with understanding the poem. Since there was no clear location for uploading a binary file, "lzma.pickle.cat" has been encoded in base 85 and copied down below. He would not tell me what to do with it. Does the data help anyone else?