I believe White
can force mate from every legal starting position.
Unfortunately, I believe this
because my crappy home-grown Python program thinks it has found mates for white from every position in at most 46 half-moves -- but the program might consist entirely of bugs.
(Earlier I said "30 moves" which was ambiguous between full-moves and half-moves and wrong either way. I've fixed a bug. The conclusion is the same.)
Here is my crappy Python program:
# position is encoded as follows: WQ x,y in bits 0..2, 3..5;
# BK x,y in bits 6..8, 9..11; BTM flag in bit 12.
moves = [[] for i in range(8193)] # possible successors
states = [None for i in range(8193)] # (Wwin?, halfmoves to end)
states[8192] = (0,0) # immediate draw (pseudo-position for when WQ captured)
# compute moves available in each position and note immediate
# win/draw results
for qx in range(8):
for qy in range(8):
for kx in range(8):
for ky in range(8):
for btm in (0,1):
p = qx | (qy<<3) | (kx<<6) | (ky<<9) | (btm<<12)
m = []
if btm:
for dx in (-1,0,+1):
for dy in (-1,0,+1):
if dx==dy==0: continue
kx2,ky2 = kx+dx,ky+dy
if not (0<=kx2<8 and 0<=ky2<8): continue # off the board
if max(abs(kx2-2),abs(ky2-2))<=1: continue # into check by WK
if kx2==qx or ky2==qy or abs(kx2-qx)==abs(ky2-qy): # into check by WQ
if kx2==qx and ky2==qy and max(abs(qx-2),abs(qy-2))>1:
m.append(8192) # capture WQ
else: continue
m.append(qx | (qy<<3) | (kx2<<6) | (ky2<<9) | (0<<12))
moves[p] = m
if not m:
# no moves: checkmate or stalemate
if kx==qx or ky==qy or abs(kx-qx)==abs(ky-qy):
states[p] = (1,0) # immediate win
states[p] = (0,0) # immediate draw
# wtm
m = []
for dx in (-1,0,+1):
for dy in (-1,0,+1):
if dx==dy==0: continue
for n in range(1,9):
qx2,qy2 = qx+n*dx,qy+n*dy
if not (0<=qx2<8 and 0<=qy2<8): break # off board
if qx2==2 and qy2==2: break # collision with WK
# no need to check for collision with BK because
# WTM positions where this can happen are illegal
m.append(qx2 | (qy2<<3) | (kx<<6) | (ky<<9) | (1<<12))
moves[p] = m
def descr(p):
return "WQ%s%d BK%s%d %stm" % ("abcdefgh"[p&7], ((p>>3)&7)+1, "abcdefgh"[(p>>6)&7], ((p>>9)&7)+1, "wb"[(p>>12)&1])
# now very inefficiently keep looking for positions whose win/draw status
# is resolvable
changed = True
while changed:
changed = False
for i in range(8192):
if not moves[i]: continue
btm = (i>>12)&1
wtm = 1-btm
seen = [0,0,0]
for j in moves[i]:
if states[j]==None: seen[2]=1
else: seen[states[j][0]]=1
if seen[wtm]:
# W has a move to (1,---) so this is a W win
# or B has a move to (0,---) so this is a draw
minr = min(states[j][1] for j in moves[i] if states[j] is not None and states[j][0]==wtm)
if states[i] is None or states[i][1]>minr+1:
states[i] = (wtm,minr+1)
changed = True
print descr(i), states[i]
elif not seen[2]:
# all W moves lead to (0,---) so this is a draw
# or all B moves lead to (1,---) so this is a W win
maxr = max(states[j][1] for j in moves[i] if states[j] is not None and states[j][0]==btm)
if states[i] is None or states[i][1]<maxr+1:
states[i] = (btm,maxr+1)
changed = True
print descr(i), states[i]
def bestfrom(p):
if states[p] is None: return None
btm = (p>>12)&1
win = states[p][0]
remoteness = states[p][1]
if remoteness <= 0: return None
return [m for m in moves[p] if states[m] is not None and states[m][0]==win and states[m][1]==remoteness-1][0]
Code to display an example longest White win (it happens to start with a position with Black to move):
p = 3+8*6+64*7+512*7+4096 # or whatever
while p is not None:
print descr(p)
p = bestfrom(p)
which, translating from the horrible notation this gives you, goes like this. Start with WQ at d7 and BK at h8, and Black to move. Then:
- ... Kg8; 2. Qc6 Kg7; 3. Qa8 Kf7; 4. Qg2 Kf6; 5. Qg8 Kf5; 6. Qf7 Kg5; 7. Qe6 Kf4; 8. Qd5 Kg4; 9. Qe5 Kf3; 10. Qd4 Kg3; 11. Qe4 Kh3; 12. Qf4 Kg2; 13. Qe3 Kh1; 14. Qe2 Kg1; 15. Qe4 Kh2; 16. Qf3 Kg1; 17. Qh3 Kf2; 18. Qg4 Ke3; 19. Qf5 Ke2; 20. Qf4 Ke1; 21. Qd2 Kf1; 22. Qh2 Ke1; 23. Qg2 Kd1; 24. Qf1#
(This seems superficially plausible to me but I haven't attempted to check carefully that neither player can improve on it.)
Code to list all positions with WTM that are not white wins (there are none, so this prints nothing):
for p in range(4096): # 4096 not 8192 because others are BTM
if states[p] is not None and states[p][0]: continue
print p, states[p], moves[p], descr(p)