Original Q: Plot 24 points so that there is only one 23-sided polygon where 23 of those points are its vertices, and the other point is not on any edge of the polygon. A polygon, here, is defined as a simple closed curve that is made up of line segments. Therefore, any set of collinear points will always form only a single side (in a convex polygon). "Simple closed curve" means "closed curve that does not intersect itself".
Formal statement of Q
We say that a finite set $P$ of points in the Euclidean plane contains a 23-gon $Q$, if the following conditions are satisfied
- $Q$ has 23 pairwise distinct corners
- $Q$ has 23 pairwise non-crossing sides
- At every corner of $Q$, the two incident sides enclose an angle $\ne180^{\circ}$
- Every corner of $Q$ is contained in $P$
(Note that the interior of any side of $Q$ may contain an arbitrary number of points from $P$; there is no restriction on such points.)
Task: Plot a point set $P$ with $24$ points that contains exactly one 23-gon.