Left alone, I'm a word with five letters.
I'm honest and fair, I'll admit.
Rearranged, I'm of no use to trains.
Again, and I'm an overt place, warm and well lit.
What am I?
Left alone, I'm a word with five letters.
I'm honest and fair, I'll admit.
Rearranged, I'm of no use to trains.
Again, and I'm an overt place, warm and well lit.
What am I?
I believe the answer is
The riddle was tricky (as indicated by the title) and each of the lines is
a lie.
Left alone, I'm a word with five letters.
The word is actually 4 letters
I'm honest and fair I'll admit
Obviously, a liar is the antithesis of honest and fair.
Rearranged, I'm of no use to trains.
RAIL, an anagram of LIAR, is an incredibly important facet to the function of trains.
Again, and I'm an overt place, warm and well-lit.
LAIR, another anagram of LIAR, is a hidden, dark place, the opposite of the adjectives provided.
I could be way off track but I have a good feeling that this is it.
I'm honest and fair I'll admit:
Snipe, a bird perhaps capable of deception. We'll have to cover our bases with truths and lies to be sure.
Rearranged, I'm of no use to trains:
Spine (useless to trains)
Pines (a lie! Pine is a type of wood which could be used in railroad ties)
Again, and I'm an overt place, warm and well-lit:
Penis (Warm, though often illegal to be overt and well-lit)
Peins, Netherlands (a lie! With moderate/cool yearly averages and a population of just 270 (in 2006), Peins is likely secluded, cool, and poorly lit.)
Left alone, I'm a word with five letters.
I'm honest and fair, I'll admit.
HEROS: "honest and fair" is considered one of the defining characteristics of heros
Rearranged, I'm of no use to trains.
HORSE: trains have engines, and thus do not need horses to transport things
Again, and I'm an overt place, warm and well lit.
SHORE: it's a place people go to sunbathe, so definitely both warm and well-lit. Overt is kind of a stretch, I'm not really sure what it would even mean for a place to be overt though.
Left alone, I'm a word with five letters.
I'm honest and fair, I'll admit.
a trial is expected to be both honest and fair.
Rearranged, I'm of no use to trains.
a t-rail is a type of rail that would not be used for a train.
Again, and I'm an overt place, warm and well lit.
a trail is an outdoor (overt) place, usually warm and well-lit by the sun.
An answer to this riddle:
Left alone, I'm a word with five letters.
I'm honest and fair, I'll admit.
It is honest and fair to admit the things you do.
Rearranged, I'm of no use to trains.
Here is where the word admits it that it has a down-part, damit!
Again, and I'm an overt place, warm and well lit.
When you admit something, you are being overt about yourself. Admit your actions, and you will be returned with a warm feeling and a well lit future.