Fill in the right words and the answer can be read across. Enjoy!
- Expensive
- Automatic
- Life
- Shrink
- Nadir
- Named
- Winter
Fill in the right words and the answer can be read across. Enjoy!
- Expensive
- Automatic
- Life
- Shrink
- Nadir
- Named
- Winter
A tricky one indeed! The answers to the puzzle are:
Words which mean the opposite to the clue!
Like so:
1. Expensive = CHEAP
2. Automatic = MANUAL
3. Life = DEATH
4. Shrink = GROW
5. Nadir = ZENITH
6. Named = ANONYMOUS
7. Winter = SUMMER
The shaded letters going down spell:
ANTONYM - which literally means 'a word with the opposite meaning'!
The answer is
Antonym (roughly an opposite of "the same")
the words are opposites (antonyms) of the clues:
1. CheAp 2. MaNual 3. DeaTh 4. GrOw 5. ZeNith 6. AnonYmous 7. SumMer