Here are the clues;
- I'm a riddle inside an enigma wrapped up in a mystery.
- Some respected scholars won't even agree I'm the right answer when you've found me.
You don't have to be a mathematician to find me. Just be able to read and count.
- Mr Smith was certainly no mathematician, and he thought I was 34. In his own way, he was right.
- If you can't solve me, come back to this clue again and again.
- You can find me on a roulette wheel but there's no point in betting on me.
- I have only one owner even if he does sound uncouth.
- Don't upset me. There might be a swift reaction depending on our location. Someone's got me in mind, and you know where he stands.
- Some people think I'm so unlucky that they even have a phobia about me. It's all Greek to me.
- 2, 3, 37
- You've got plenty of this and it's made up of me.
- 17, 18 ... Look at those numbers. If you can decipher them, the answer will easily be revealed.
Bonus clues
Don't ignore the title. It tells you what you are looking for. (I suppose mathematicians might quibble about the precise terminology used in the title.)
Many people have me as a tattoo.
What am I?
Note: All the clues refer to the same answer. Only a thorough and well-supported explanation of each and every clue will lead to a green tick. If you're not convinced by your own answer to a particular clue then you haven't understood it ;-)
All the clues are numbered. Sometimes the number of the clue is part of the clue and sometimes it isn't.
Note that clues vary in type. A simple clue can have a very simple meaning. A wordy clue may perhaps be taken as a hint as how to proceed. A numerical clue could have a mathematical meaning - or not.
Clues may only give part of the information needed - they back up other clues and reduce the possibilities of false answers. It is possible to get the answer from a single clue but a clue on its own cannot be conclusive without the others. Not all clues have sufficient information to stand alone. They are there merely to provide confirmation or a hint.