Entry into Fortnightly Topic Challenge #38: Reusing Information 1
This will also be my final Riley Riddle for a week or two because it is arriving near the end of the term and school is expecting some assessments...
Riddle me this:
My prefix is quick with but one ant alone,
Though it may start to slow down with all.My suffix, above, has an alpha to own,
Though it will not head far with the fall.My infix might yell with a notable tone,
Though remember not pets in its call.As home to the third or a tool for a bone,
I will sing with the wind in a class to enthral!What am I?
The bold letters in each paragraph give a clue to what the next paragraph is referring to, and all in the same way; the other clues are also similarly set out, even with multiple meanings, e.g.
"Yell" also refers to yellow and "sing" sounds like string.
The title is also a clue, but only has one clue in it; one clue for one song's title.
Altogether, this riddle reuses information!
Hint 1:
"Notable" also refers to notes and "class" sounds like brass.
Hint 2:
"Down" also refers to download and "alpha" sounds like far.
Hint 3:
iq = IQ.
Hint 4:
bl = bell.