You run up to the assistant professor's lab. "Just a sec..." she mutters as she puts the finishing touches on a painting in front of her:
Finally, she turns to you. "Oh -- it's you! I'm so sorry, I've already given away everything the professor had," she apologizes and turns back to the painting. ", tell you what, let's make a deal. Lenora insisted that I make this series of three paintings for the avant-garde art festival in her hometown, but I'd much rather be out doing research in the forest nearby. I'll get you something special from there if you finish the other two paintings for me."
You look down at her desk, trying to process the information, but she takes it as a nod. "Great! All the info you need is in there," she points at a slender device with a small screen. "The vertical order matters, to a degree -- the series is supposed to be called 'Evolution' after all -- but the horizontal order doesn't matter at all, as long as you like how it looks. Honestly, horizontal repetition doesn't even matter, as long as everything that needs to be there is there..."
The puzzle:
- Complete the other two paintings. (Making the actual images would be nice, but I'd also accept a detailed description of each image.)
- Explain the different story elements. (Why is it called "Evolution"? Who's the assistant professor? What's the device? What was she going to give you? Bonus: Why this time and place and not others?)
Hint 1:
As the assistant professor leaves, you hear her muttering, "Of course it had to be me...what do I even have in common with that old professor in Palette Town?" Palette? Pallet? You hear a squeak in response. "Fine, you know what I mean, other than the ones like you..."
Transcription of the image:
#000000 #101010 #4a4a18 #3100ac #296252 #737331 #3920ee #949439 #31ac73 #626aff #b4d562 #41d5a4 #cdcdcd #c5ee83 #73ffbd #ffffff
#000000 #101010 #4a4110 #394a10 #29317b #527b31 #5a41d5 #839420 #5aac62 #7b7bff #bdcd5a #73d57b #a4acff #d5e683 #ffffff #ffffff
#000000 #101010 #415210 #003183 #6a7b10 #4141de #316abd #399c5a #9cb420 #737bff #29bdde #c5d55a #7bde83 #bdbdff #52eeff #ffffff
#000000 #000000 #5a4162 #185a41 #186241 #2929c5 #298b62 #529483 #7b7bee #29b46a #6acdb4 #c5c5c5 #31e683 #8bf6d5 #c5ffee #ffffff
#000000 #101010 #085229 #00526a #0031ac #626262 #087b52 #1883a4 #109c6a #528bd5 #31bd8b #29bdde #c5c5c5 #4ae6f6 #8bffff #ffffff
#000000 #101010 #39107b #004a62 #3920cd #6a6a6a #317b10 #5a39ff #41bd62 #00ace6 #9ca4f6 #cdcdcd #52e69c #20deff #7bffbd #ffffff
#000000 #000000 #294a31 #396a39 #4a39ac #397352 #6a4ade #0083a4 #5a9c5a #7b62ee #39b494 #20a4ff #6adeac #8bf6cd #52e6ff #ffffff
#000000 #000000 #39317b #315231 #316239 #4a7341 #39735a #4139c5 #4a9452 #399452 #6252ee #4aac62 #0894c5 #7bcd8b #6ae6ee #ffffff
#000000 #000000 #294a18 #204a20 #08525a #296218 #2020bd #318329 #398339 #4a9452 #419c41 #4aac4a #089ccd #6acd83 #94e6b4 #41dee6
#000000 #000000 #394a62 #295a39 #416a8b #417b5a #5283b4 #41a439 #5aac94 #39bdc5 #6ad57b #83cdbd #8be6de #5ae6f6 #ffffff #ffffff
#000000 #101010 #394a62 #295a39 #416a8b #418b39 #4a8b6a #5283b4 #949494 #6ab462 #5aac94 #41b4de #62c5ac #d5d5d5 #41d5ee #ffffff
#000000 #101010 #394a62 #295a39 #5a524a #186218 #416a8b #7b736a #398b31 #5283b4 #41ac41 #a4a4a4 #bdbdbd #e6e6e6 #ffffff #ffffff
#000000 #080808 #00205a #005200 #003994 #008308 #317b8b #417bde #00b400 #009cc5 #62bdc5 #29deff #bdf6ff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff
#000000 #000000 #101008 #295210 #104173 #204abd #317b8b #399420 #4ac529 #62bdc5 #29cdff #bdf6ff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff
#000000 #101010 #295210 #003994 #397310 #39736a #4a9c18 #ac8b8b #73a473 #089cd5 #0083ff #9cd59c #d5c5c5 #29cdff #ffffff #ffffff