This puzzle is part of the Monthly Topic Challenge #2: IQ Puzzle Parody
$$ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \text{Cr} & \text{Br} & \text{Rl} \\ \hline \text{Je} & \text{Ud} & \text{Ft} \\ \hline \text{Dr} & \text{Mr} & \text{?} \\ \hline \end{array} \\ \\ \\\text{A. Lr } \\ \text{B. Ml} \\ \text{C. Dr} $$
What does this IQ test represent, and what's the correct answer?
The brave and lucky, this is as simple as it may seem
The letters correspond to head and tail
The words hidden are for characters, where would one see a 3x3 grid related to fighters?