1. Sum of consecutive integer powers of 21 Across
7. Prime number, not all of whose digits are prime
8. Number that is coprime with 13 Down
9. Sum of three consecutive primes
10. Noble gas atomic number
12. 5 more than 9 Across
14. US coin denomination
15. Permutable prime
17. Fibonacci number
20. Power of 2 minus 1
21. Last two digits of 16 Down
1. 2 Down in base 21 Across
2. Leap year
3. Number not divisible by any of its digits
4. Number whose cube consists of three digits, each occurring twice
5. Palindromic number
6. 1 Across mod 7 Across
10. All 1-digit factors of 20 Across (excluding 1), in ascending order
11. 1 greater than 4 Down
13. Number that is less than 8 Across
18. Sum of digits of 8 Across
19. Can be expressed as sum of two squares, neither equal to 1, in two ways
Other notes:
- Heavy lines indicate the beginnings and endings of entries.
- No answers have leading zeros.