So from a couple other puzzles, you might remember that I'm a professor of Awesomeness at the Ad Hoc University! This time, I've given my students some numbers and their scorez. They need to tell me how I scored them!
Here we are:
197 = 26 + 592 = 618
1 = 0 + 1 = 1
1337 = 44 + 8584 = 8628
43770 = 163 + 83104 = 83267
7 = 16 + 52 = 68
2020 = 63 + 2752 = 2815
Hint 1:
You remember how I said "Note: all the information of the puzzle is in the blockquote; nothing outside the blockquote is relevant!" in my Scoring a grid puzzle? Yeah, well I didn't say that here!