It is known that if you take apart the Rubik's cube and then reassemble it randomly, you will end out in one of $12$ cases, among which only one is solvable. The others result in having (1) one piece or edge piece turned, or (2) two edge or corner pieces swapped, or (3) both (1) and (2).
However, for the $2\times 2\times 2$ cube (or pocket cube), the only unsolvable configurations are those from (1), when at the end one (corner) piece is turned $120^\circ$ or $240^\circ$. But even if the reassembled cube is in an illegal configuration, you can at least solve it to a checkerboard pattern, like this:
This suggests a game: you get a reassembled $2\times 2\times 2$ cube, and you have to solve it to one of the above three states: same color, or one of the two checkerboard patterns. The point is to figure out ASAP in which case you are. So this game will consist not only in solving the cube, but also in figuring out the task itself.
I think it would be interesting to know if we can play a similar game with the $3\times 3\times 3$ Rubik's cube.
Question: What are some "nice"${}^\dagger$ patterns for each of the $11$ illegal possible cases?
${}^\dagger$ (Lengthy technical footnote, better ignore it) I was asked to define "nice" more objectively. One of the purposes of the $2\times 2\times 2$ example was to suggest what "nice" means, without explaining it mathematically, because many cubers have great intuition without knowing the math behind, and I could lose some nice answers.
But for the readers who want more rigorous and objective definitions, I would say "patterns which exhibit larger symmetry groups". For example, the $2\times 2\times 2$ checkerboard patterns (2) and (3) in the picture are invariant to the following transformations (call the initially turned corner the main corner and the long diagonal of the cube determined by it the main diagonal, and consider them fixed):
- $\mathbb{Z}_3\times 120^\circ$ rotations around the main diagonal,
- flips along the same diagonal followed by a $60^\circ$ rotation
and the transformations resulting from their combinations. All these transformation "fixed" by the appropriate color permutation to get the original checkerboard pattern.
This is the group of the rotations of the cube preserving the main diagonal, which is isomorphic to the chiral dihedral group $D_{3}$, of order $6$.
By comparison, the original corner turned configurations (1) and (2) from the picture admit a symmetry group of order $3$ (obtained from $\mathbb{Z}_3\times 120^\circ$ rotations, combined with color permutations).
So I would suggest measuring the "nicety" by the order of symmetry group of transformations consisting in rotations or reflections of the cube combined with color permutations, which leave the pattern unchanged. But don't let this definition stay in your way, maybe there are interesting patterns whose symmetry group is of low order, even the trivial group of order $1$.
Edit 2: Also, as @JaapScherphuis commented, the superflip pattern has the full symmetry, but it's not very nice, so fewer colors on each face means nicer too.
Also the symmetries of the faces matter.
So maybe we should combine them into a single formula, which seems to be hard because there are so many ways, and we can only choose one subjectively. So let's go back to whatever everybody means by "nice" (or maybe I should've said "pretty" like here
Defining "nice" seems to be a rabbit hole :)