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47 votes
5 answers

How do I force-quit the program?

My friend has been playing with a program he found. He enters a 5-digit number into the command line and receives another 5-digit number in return. However, after 20 or so entries, he's about done and ...
Bailey M's user avatar
  • 17k
12 votes
2 answers

Find My Mission For Me

Addendum 1/14/2023: I've given a new, major hint in an answer. I am a spy for the CIA. Since I am in a hostile territory, my next mission was given to me in a very coded manner. Today, while playing ...
Rewan Demontay's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

A splash of Minecraft?

I was playing Minecraft the other day and came across a beautiful splash message. Subsequently, I was inspired to create a puzzle for it. Svir, look out below! Shorty's slang stays surprisingly stout....
Taco's user avatar
  • 10.6k
9 votes
1 answer

Old, yet we stand tall

This puzzle requires a specific answer which consists of 4 letters only. With the help of the image below(and the title) you will get the right one.
Prim3numbah's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Tricky Riddle, Wordplay heavy, What is my name?

Today, I have what I consider a tricky riddle for you to answer. Please note, I have added the correct tags to this riddle. I have some math problems that I need help solving. Do you think you'd be ...
Joe-You-Know's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Zed's E-mail: My Good Ol' Uncle Sugar

My friend Gabby and I constantly look out for each other. Just the other day, she received a strange message from what I thought was an uncle of hers. "Problem is," she started with a ...
Omicron Zed's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

There's been a kidnapping!

Alfred C. Bacon, an avid puzzler, has been kidnapped! Fortunately, we were able to find where he was being held. Unfortunately, he was no longer there. Fortunately, he left us a note, letting us know ...
phroureo's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Find the cipher used

Each of the following lines were said by various famous personalities. Each line corresponds to one person. There is no relation between these lines. After obtaining the names of these people, A 6 ...
NoLand'sMan's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Something dotty in the state of Rome

I'm a time traveller. In order to keep balance to the universe, it is my duty to preserve past, present and future. However, the Bad Guys want to mess with our past to destroy humanity as we know it ...
Narusan's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Alternative lyrics

I've been listening to some Alternative music but the lyrics on my album booklet seem to have some printing errors. Can you help figure out this verse? +2203 166 127 +2282 29.9, -90 (79 75) +...
ronCYA's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Where to ask these questions?

Here on SE I've only answered questions so far, so I thought it was time to ask some of my own. But where should I go to find the answers to these questions? Would a tsubo-niwa garden help with my ...
f'''s user avatar
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