Today, I have what I consider a tricky riddle for you to answer. Please note, I have added the correct tags to this riddle.
I have some math problems that I need help solving. Do you think you'd be able to help me? I think I can solve the first two, but I'm struggling with the rest, especially the last question.
Please solve the problems below. No calculators may be used when solving these problems.
18. logbin(1809) = 212
19. d/dx F(x) = 912x4 - 12x3 + 123x2 - 255x + 18
20. Make the statement true: 5 (?) 12 (?) 5 (?) 16 (?) 8 (?) 1 (?) 14 (?) 20 = 1854
21. How is the following true? 65 - 61 = 6
Using the above answers, please solve for the following:
22. A man with two friends named Parker and Ford, goes into a photo booth looking to take some pictures with his friends. Each ticket booth takes a picture once every half second, and the timer of the ticket booth is 4.15 minutes per person in the booth. If each picture taken is 5 cents, then how tall was the first man?
If you can actually solve the problems, that would be cool too, though that's not as important.
It may seem daunting at first to tackle this riddle, but just take a closer look at each line. It may not be as difficult as you think it is. No math is needed to solve this puzzle.