This video claims that the fastest game of monopoly involves 4 turns and 9 rolls of the dice. I am wondering if this is actually the shortest game or can we do better in theory? What is the probability of this game happening in real life?
For reference, the moves in the above video are as follows:
Player 1, Turn 1:
Roll: 6-6, Lands on: Electric Company
Action: None, Doubles therefore roll again
Roll: 6-6, Lands on: Illinois Avenue
Action: None, Doubles therefore roll again
Roll: 4-5, Lands on: Community Chest "Bank error in your favour, Collect \$200"
Action: Collects \$200 (now has \$1700)
Player 2, Turn 1:
Roll: 2-2, Lands on: Income Tax
Action: Pay \$200 (now has \$1300), Doubles therefore rolls again
Roll: 5-6, Lands on: Pennsylvania Rail Road
Action: None
Player 1, Turn 2:
Roll: 2-2, Lands on: Park Place
Action: Purchase (\$350, now has \$1350), Doubles therefore rolls again
Roll: 1-1, Lands on: Boardwalk
Action: Purchase (\$400, now has \$950), Doubles therefore rolls again
Roll: 3-1, Lands on Baltic Avenue
Action: Collect \$200 for passing GO (now has \$1150), Purchase 3 houses for Boardwalk, 2 for Park Place (\$1000, now has \$150)
Player 2, Turn 2:
Roll: 3-4, Lands on: Chance, “Advance to Boardwalk”
Action: Advance to Boardwalk, Rent is \$1400, only has \$1300 = Bankrupt
96/(36 ^ 9) * 1/(16 ^ 2)
which is96 / 25999348907114496
or one in 271 trillion - based on $\endgroup$