Another set of Harry Potter word rebuses for you to solve!
Part 1: 11 Harry Potter rebus puzzles
Part 2: Harry Potter Rebus Puzzles #2
Another set of Harry Potter word rebuses for you to solve!
Part 1: 11 Harry Potter rebus puzzles
Part 2: Harry Potter Rebus Puzzles #2
These resolve to:
Witherwings (the pseudonym of the hippogriff, Buckbeak) [two 'WING'S, WITH 'ER'];
Divination (the future-telling subject taught by Prof. Trelawney) ['DIV' IN 'ATION'];
Kings Cross (the London railway station from where one can travel to Hogwarts) [two famous KINGS making a CROSS shape]; and
London Underground (because Dumbledore has a scar above his knee in the shape of the route map of the London Underground!) ['LONDON' UNDER 'GROUND']