To me, the question asks particularly about when the values of the clocks read the same value on either wall, rather than just being exactly visually identical. This matters primarily for digital in that as long as the reflection shows actual numbers, and the value of said numbers is equal to that of the left wall, I count it. Essentially, the padding of the 1 doesn't matter, thus 11:11 is acceptable.
I believe the analog clock can be defined as:
f(y) = +-|x| for -3 <= x <= 3 where x is an integer.
The result is 13 points. Now, if you think that 12:30 should qualify and that the hour hand isn't off kilter enough to dissuade you, then you should also accept that the -0 and +0 y values in the function are different points, which would bump the results to 14. Given that this is only for a 12 hour period, we can double those numbers resulting in either 26 or 28 total values.
I haven't figured out how to represent the dialog clock as a function like above, but the bounds are as follows:
The clock value must read the same forward and back (palindrome).
The right side is limited to values between 0 and 24 (military time).
The left side is limited to values between 0 and 60.
Basically, the right side is the only one that matters, and the left side's tens position restrictions fall to the right's ones position, and the left's ones position restrictions fall to the right's tens position.
Therefore, we have values where: z = x*10 + y
Where 0 <= z <= 24 and 0 <= x <= 2 and 0 <= y <= 5
As 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 are not reflective, and 8 is too large.
This boils down to 11 results.
As such, analog has more matches. (As @Phil1970 already noted)
Original below. Can ignore.
As a forward, I'm going more for the idea that the clocks read identical times rather than they just look similar.
The only analog positions I see matching would be at 12:30 and 3:45, and their self-reflections (6:00 and 9:15) for a total of 8 occurrences in 24-hr a day. (Thanks @ExcitedRaichu)
The digital clock has a few things of note beforehand:
The leading 0's and set to military time.
Again, if we function with the idea that as long as the times read the same (and the positions don't have to be exact - left oriented 1 versus right oriented 1), then we have these reflective cases: 0 to 0, 1 to 1, 2 to 5, 5 to 2. We can't use 8 because minutes only goes to 60. This gives us the following combinations (barring any were missed): 01:10, 11:11, 10:01, 15:21, 12:51, 05:20, 02:50. @DqwertC also found: 00:00, 02:50, 20:05, and 22:55.
That puts us at a ration of 8:11, in favor of the digital clock.