An entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #39: Deep Down in the Dungeon 1
In an adventure to find a special area, Radiance, in the mythical land of Geome, our heroes seek out a map to their destinies, and a whole heckuva lotta loot.
As the explorers get through the dungeon that holds the map, they encounter a strange stone statue, blocking what appears to be a doorway.
This stone statue, however, is a guardian, protecting their precious map.
"If you wish to pass me, you must correctly solve my riddle."
The explorers conferred, then agreed.
I am a knight, though in name not deed.
One of my friends can cut a swath through the land,
And the other is a master at getting straight to the core.
We're fans of desserts, preferably apple or cherry.
But alas, I've no time, my work is never done.
So, good traveller, what is my name?
Before the others can start to piece together the puzzle, one explorer scowled.
"Oi! That didn't rhyme! What kind of epic, quest blocking riddle doesn't rhyme?!"
"The kind that is made to have you think, not be catchy," was the statue's reply.
The explorers weren't happy with this, but they started to debate the riddle, before finally giving up and heading right back to where they'd started their journey.