Can you assemble a formula using the least amount of one digit numbers (from $0$ to $9$) so that the results equals to 2018 with the rules below?
- You may use the operations $x + y$, $x - y$, $x \times y$, $x \div y$, $x!$, $\sqrt[\leftroot{-2}\uproot{2}x]{y}$ and $x^y$,
- Using a direct square root is not allowed since it is actually power of $0.5$.
- You may use brackets to clarify order of operations.
- You are allowed to use one digit number as much as you want, such as you may try to assembly a formula using four $2$s two $1$s etc.
- You are not allowed to concatenate.
- Double, triple, etc. factorials (n-druple-factorials), such as $4!! = 4 \times 2$ are not allowed either.