Use ALL the digits in the year $2019$ (you may not use any other numbers except $2, 0, 1, 9$) to write mathematical expressions that give results for the numbers 50 to 100.
You may use the arithmetic operations $+$, $-$, $\times$, $\sqrt{}$, and $!$ (see below). Indices or exponents may only be made from the digits $2, 0, 1,$ and $9$; for example, $(9+1)^2 $is allowed, as it has used the $9$, $1$ and $2$. Multi-digit numbers and decimals points can be used such as $20$, $102$, and $.02$, but you CANNOT make 30 by combining $(2+1)0$.
Recurring decimals can be used using the overhead dots or bar e.g. $0.\bar1=0.111 ...=\frac19$
Factorials are allowed
Here's how you might use factorials:
For example