Your friends Mark and Joe love playing all sorts of games. Board games, card games, modern games and classics, they played them all. One day when you were visiting them, they pulled out a chess board, and Joe said "We're going to show you something that will always guarantee a win!" He and Mark proceeded to play what appeared to be a well rehearsed game of Chess.
You studiously took notes as they played, trying to learn from the best. But as far as you could tell, there was no real strategy behind their moves. They kept making silly mistakes and obvious blunders, yet neither of them managed to reach check-mate. Then, after just 20 moves each, they came to a sudden stop. The game wasn't over - neither of the pieces were in check, much less check-mate.
You asked Mark how that was a guarantee win chess strategy, and he gave you a funny look, then said "We've shown you what you need to guarantee a win. With that, you don't need much of a strategy."
Now you're trying to figure out just what Mark and Joe were trying to show you. Here's the record of moves from their match:
1. a4 a5
2. Ra3 Ra6
3. h3 e5
4. g4 d6
5. e4 Be7
6. d4 Bxg4
7. f3 Bg5
8. Rc3 Nc6
9. Be2 Bh4+
10. Kd2 Bxf3
11. b3 Bf2
12. Re3 Nh6
13. c4 Qg5
14. Ba3 f5
15. d5 Rf8
16. Kc2 Qg3
17. Bd3 Rf6
18. Re1 Bxd1
19. Rxd1 Bd4
20. Ne2 Ng4
What was the message that they were trying to give you?
You'll know the 2-word answer when you find it!
Slightly embarrassed, Mark walks up to you. "Joe and I made a mistake when we first gave you the puzzle. Here's an updated list of the required moves... Oh, and when you find the three seas, you should replace them with one cat with a full nibble and an empty nibble. You should know what that means when you get there."
Thanks to Tas for providing a GIF playthrough of the game described above:
Hint 1:
Still musing over what the puzzle could mean, you ask Joe for some advice. He responds "We all have somewhere we've come from and somewhere we're going, but neither of those matter if you don't live in the present."
"Not life advice, advice about the puzzle you gave me!"
Joe gives you the same funny look that Mark gave you earlier and says "That is what I gave you, isn't it?"
Hint 2:
Mark is somewhat surprised that you haven't figured out what the game was trying to tell you yet, but informs you: "There may have been many games that contained the same information, but only 4 starting moves could have created the exact same message."
Hint 3:
You go to another friend, Bob, for some advice with the puzzle. It turns out, Mark and Joe already told him the answer! Bob responds, "You could ask me for help, but it wouldn't quite be what you need to solve this."
Hint 4:
With the GIF provided, you don't really need to know anything about chess. You don't need to know the names of pieces, the conventions for naming squares, the goal of the game, or even whether each move is valid.
Hint 5:
"You still haven't figured it out? Perhaps we should switch to a nice game of Catan instead? Or maybe try Gliński's Chess?"
Hint 6:
Mark and Joe are well known for developing a unique code for representing special characters.