Let us shy away from the materialistic opulence of 361- cell KenKen layouts (−9 to +9, squared). Let us contemplate a modest KenKen journey, unburdened by gratuitously extravagant cluenography.* SerenSerenity may be reached with just a clue or two on a minor board. Breathe.
Imagine an undelineated 3×3 KenKen puzzle. All that shows are 2 clue amounts, while others may be hidden. Imagine the sum of these 2 amounts as small as can be. Believe that these lead to only one possible completion. Now . . . how much and in which cells are those 2 amounts?
   Some questions may already enter your consciousness.
Undelineated? Borders of cages (subregions) are not outlined but can be deduced.
Clue amount? The number (1− 216 ) before a cage’s arithmetic operator (+, −, ×, / or ÷).
Where? Each clue amount resides in the leftmost cell of its cage’s top row.
no-computers? Your computer’s level of Kenlightenment already exceeds this search space.
One possible completion? Even subtleties — such as rotation, reflection and operator substitution — distinguish multiple completions, as do differences in cage outlines.
A path toward clarity
The journey of a thousand undelineated KenKens begins with a single cell.
And without a clue.
Secret knowledge: This works well enough as text +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ | :5 | | |5 | |1 1 |5+ 2| |....+....| --> |....+....| --> |----+ | | : | | : | | 2 1 | +---------+ +---------+ +---------+
* Cluenography. Noun.
Compulsively fetishized depiction of clues.
tag because the minimal solution is not certain at pose time. My first solution had 3 clues with a sum of 27 that result in 4 cages, but I've improved on each of those measures. This cropped up while exploring what is now a subsequent step along this journey. $\endgroup$