Suppose you have a triangle with a place to put a number on each of the three vertices.
What unique numbers can go in each of the three vertices such that the numbers on each edge add to a perfect square?
Suppose you have a triangle with a place to put a number on each of the three vertices.
What unique numbers can go in each of the three vertices such that the numbers on each edge add to a perfect square?
There are an infinite combinations of such numbers. A few processes for finding these are described below.
Here is a process for finding a triple of these numbers from two perfect squares. Pick two squares, $a$ and $b$, such that $a$ is even. Then, put $a/2$ on two vertices of the triangle, and $b-(a/2)$ on the third vertex.
Therefore, there are three combinations:
Thus, you can pick any two squares, and as long as one of them is even, you can find three numbers that go on the vertices of the triangle.
A quick bit of Haskell to find all triples is (with isSquare
as a function returning true/false depending on whether the input is a square):
[(a, b, c) | a <- [1..50], b <- [1..a], c <- [1..b], isSquare (a+b), isSquare (b+c), isSquare (a+c)]
Or, alternately (leaving off casting for clarity):
[(a/2, a/2, b-(a/2)) | a <- [1..50], b <- [1..a], isSquare a, isSquare b]
It is not, however, the case that all combinations are generated in this way. To show this, if we run:
[(a, b, c) | a <- [1..50], b <- [1..a], c <- [1..b], isSquare (a+b), isSquare (b+c), isSquare (a+c), a /= b, a /= c, b /= c]
we then get the output:
[(30, 19, 6), (44, 20, 5), (47, 34, 2), (48, 33, 16)]
which are the first four triples of unique numbers satisfying the perfect-square condition.
$-1.5, 5.5, 10.5$. If you add these three numbers then it is also correct