I can be a bit evil sometimes. Today, I am going to give you a Hidato with no numbers! It gets worse: This puzzle is on a Mobius Strip Y[1] However, I will give hints as to what the numbers are, so this isn't going to be plain impossible. Also, to make this a bit easier, this is only a 3x3 Hidato. Here is the puzzle:
A | B | C |
D | E | F |
G | H | I |
- $B,C,G,E$ are primes
- $A,H,I$ are square numbers
- $C$ does not connect with $I$
- $A+1\lt C\lt H\lt G\lt E$
- $A$ does not connect with $D$
- There is only 1 connection that is made using a diagonal
The goal of Hidato is to fill the grid with a series of consecutive numbers adjacent to each other orthogonally or diagonally. The entire grid is required to be filled in.
[1]Here's an example. Say we are on an 8x8 grid at R1C1. If we walk up, we go to R8C1. However, this is not a torus, so going straight from R1C1 to R8C8 is illegal, however, since this is Hidato, we can do $R1C1\to R\color{red}2C8$ due to our ability to move diagonally.