After reading all the comments and hints, my guess is to replace the question mark with the flag of:
My assumption to arrive at this answer was:
To extract the first two letters of each of the country names that these flags represent.
That will be:
Tanzania (Ta)
Namibia (Na)
Australia (Au)
Oman (Om)
Liechtenstein (Li)
Iceland (Ic)
Austria (Au)
Belgium (Be)
Algeria (Al)
As pointed out by others:
Australia will balance with Austria if you compare the atomic mass of Au with Au. Liechtenstein will go with Belgium as Li is lighter than Be. Namibia will go with Algeria as Na is lighter than Al.
Flag of Tanzania is reversed. So, I will take Ta as At.
Finally, since:
Australia, Liechtenstein and Namibia will move down, the flags representing At, Om and Ic will remain above which will imply that this puzzle is about
Worth noting that:
Om and Ic are not symbols of any chemical elements but they just contribute in coining the name for this puzzle.
I hope I am right!