A individual known for Polygraphiae...
Gpqg atxr bqocq, ucl tzv rip gkmv iu ydw ynpa nkdk?
Gvxi jamy dj przcl Gagmguon sd droabp, jxughv rge cgvx!
Luvl fycw!
A individual known for Polygraphiae...
Gpqg atxr bqocq, ucl tzv rip gkmv iu ydw ynpa nkdk?
Gvxi jamy dj przcl Gagmguon sd droabp, jxughv rge cgvx!
Luvl fycw!
Good work there, how did you know it was this easy? This site in stack Exchange is really, really the best! Good work!
Ascending Trithemius Cipher with no initial shift