Poor defense speech leading to defendant finally being thrown out (14)
The defendant never reached their prison cell. How did they die?
jafe helped design the clue - thanks! :)
Poor defense speech leading to defendant finally being thrown out (14)
The defendant never reached their prison cell. How did they die?
jafe helped design the clue - thanks! :)
It looks like:
poor = anagram of [ defense + speech + (leading) to] : DEFENSE + ORATION + T => DEFENESTORATION
But I am slightly confused by:
I need to remove O... is this O for offender? (as a defendant being thrown out?)
I'm not sure I have another path forward other than finding a word that means "defendant" that ends in -O.
Thanks to Stiv the light dawns and the last step is to exchange the leading letter of "speech" (ORATION) with the final letter of "defendant" (T) and now I can finally sleep.
But the total is:
Being thrown out a window!