To help you solve the maze, you are given 3 bombs. A bomb can be used to destroy one wall in the maze.
Your goal is to get from the start to the finish, with the help of your bombs. There is only one correct solution, so good luck!
To help you solve the maze, you are given 3 bombs. A bomb can be used to destroy one wall in the maze.
Your goal is to get from the start to the finish, with the help of your bombs. There is only one correct solution, so good luck!
My path (red blotches are bombs)
Here I have highlighted important walls in purple, splitting the maze into sections. Anywhere within a section is reachable without a bomb. Going between sections is impossible without a bomb
NOTE: Everything below this has been edited. I'm combining some suggestions made in the comments to give a better explanation. If you want to see the original unwieldy graph explanation, look in the edit history.
I've colored all of the sections touching (i.e. reachable by 1 bomb) the starting section blue, and all the sections touching the ending section orange. One bomb must be used to enter a blue section, and one bomb must be used to go from an orange section to the exit. That leaves only one bomb. This leftover bomb must be used to go from a blue section to an orange section. Lo and behold, there is one area where blue and orange touch,
sections 3 (blue) and 11 (orange).
Therefore the only solution is to enter the correct blue section with one bomb, move to the correct orange section with another, and finally move to the end section with the last bomb.
My solution is to do something like a depth-first search to create maps of isolated parts of the maze. Once we do that, it's easy to see how those isolated maps can be connected to use only 3 bombs.
You have to follow Red, jump to Orange, then to Cyan, then to Magenta. I wasted way too much time on Paint...
Here's the path more clearly: