I made this maze-puzzle for my students.
The goal is to draw a line through all of the circles.
The rules:
- Start from the star
At each intersection are arrows. You can only move through the intersection in accordance with the direction of the arrow. (e.g see below pic: In below pic, once you reach the intersection you can only continue drawing down or to the right. You can not continue drawing up or to the left.) You must then continue on to the next intersection. (Meaning, you cant go through an intersection, hit the circle, then go back to that intersection.)
Can only draw in between the gray squares.
- Can not pick up the pen/pencil from the maze. Meaning: the line you are drawing must be continuous.
Can not draw a line over any circle twice. (you can draw over a previous drawn line)
You solve the puzzle once you have gone over every circle. There is no official end point.
Good Luck!