I have come up with a cipher idea that probably isn't original but I can't find anywhere, and I wanted to get an idea of just how hard it is by seeing if anyone here can crack it. I would especially like to know whether there's any realistic chance of breaking it with a pen and paper as I would like to use it for a codes and ciphers club I run, but if you can't, please do try to crack it with whatever program you can find.
Here's the concept:
It uses a basic substituted alphabet, which in this case will be shown as the Hymmnos script. You could try to refer to the official version of that but it won't help as the symbols don't correspond to the same letters.
The sender builds a word search using a pool of words that the receiver knows and expects, and hides a secret message between them. Not every word can be fit but the words are ordered in some objective way. They are thematically related so solving one word will make it possible to solve the rest in the pool.
To decipher it, the receiver goes through the pool of words completing the word search until the remaining letters spell a coherent message
First method: Look for sequences that are in both messages (including backwards, vertically, and diagonally)... with enough words, you may be able to guess what letters the symbols represent.
Second method: I made a shameful mistake with the second message... I moved the letters in the wrong direction through the alphabet before changing the font. Which means you can now compare the wrong and right versions of the second message to the official Hymmnos script in order to work out exactly what each letter is.
Massive Hint:
The list of words are Pokemon ordered by national dex no.
Hint 2:
Of Weedle and its evolutions, one didn't fit
First message:
Second message:
Second message with each letter shifted the wrong way through the alphabet relative to the official Hymmnos script: