
Arrange numbers 1 to 36 to the small circles and ovals, with rules:

  • sum of any two of them which are adjacent is a triangle numbers.
  • The first 12 Triangle numbers are 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66
  • Some numbers are already there as guide.
  • There is only 1 unique solution.

The puzzle is inspired by this puzzle

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Solution Image

  • First circle corresponds to the "top" circle in the question image
  • Second circle corresponds to the "right" circle in the question image
  • Third circle corresponds to the "bottom" circle in the question image
  • Red highlighted nodes are the ones connected to the other circles (should hopefully be obvious which way)
  • Note that the "orientation" of the circles should be the same as in the question image (i.e., no reflecting necessary)

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